Art with Hyroglyphs

At first it won't be understood, once grasped it will change everything

Сначала это не поймут, но как только поймешь сам, это все изменит.

In the Cyrillic alphabet, each individual letter corresponds to a specific sound. A person who is accustomed to reading only in English can easily master reading words written in Cyrillic letters. I suggest you listen to the sound of the analyzed texts and understand that many of the words are familiar to you. The Prophet wrote Egyptian texts specifically so that they could be read for the first time in our time on a compilation of the two modern languages most widely spoken today

As a first example of reading, I bring to your attention the fully read Egyptian text “The Radomir Codex” / Как первый пример прочтения, предлагаю вашему вниманию полностью прочитанный египетский текст «Кодекс Радомира».

  Разбор Египетских Текстов

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Тритэя о ценизме тонких абстракций.

  Погружение в знание о Даджжале

  To study in English

Записки для Нафани, Стих 5.

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